Jews won’t give up the Temple Mount

Well, this is a major Duh! moment:

Poll: 96% of Israeli Jews won’t give up Western Wall for peace
Ninety-six percent of Israeli Jews are against Israel relinquishing the Western Wall, even in exchange for lasting peace and ending the dispute over Jerusalem, a new poll suggests. According to the poll, most Israeli Jews do not believe territorial concessions in Jerusalem would bring peace.

The poll, performed at the request of the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, also reveals that 89 percent of Israeli Jews are unwilling to give up the Temple Mount for a similar arrangement.

For two reasons. First, even non-religious Jews know that the Western Wall is the remains of what was once the Temple. The one in the Torah. The one that was built, destroyed, rebuilt, and destroyed again—and will be rebuilt when the Moshiach arrives. And that goes double for the Temple Mount. Like I said: Duh.

Take a poll of how many Muslims would give up Al-Aqsa Mosque for peace. I’m betting about zero percent, possibly in the hundredths of one percent. And Mohammed never even set food in it, while they keep finding more and more evidence that the Torah stories are not fiction.

The poll, which was performed by the Tazpit Research Institute headed by Dr. Aharon Fein, found that Israeli Jews were far more willing to give up the Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, as long as Israel keeps the Western Wall and the Jewish Quarter – an arrangement favored by 43 percent of them.

Yeah, that comes under the heading of, “If we have to give it up to keep the Wall, do it. I’m of the opinion that Jerusalem should remain Israel’s undivided capital, but see the benefit of trading some neighborhoods for “settlements” (yes, it’s in scare quotes because it’s not a settlement) around Jerusalem, like Ma’aleh Adumim.

Despite the relatively high willingness among participants to give up the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem, most participants nonetheless indicated they did not believe such concessions would bring peace. In total, 75.7 percent believe peace is unattainable. Only 20.3 said they believed peace could be reached in return for territorial concessions in Jerusalem.

Gee. The majority of Israelis don’t believe the Arabs want peace. I wonder why that is. Possibly five decades of war might have something to do with it.

In addition, 91.5 percent indicated they believed that maintaining a large Jewish majority in Jerusalem was imperative. Some 81.3 percent said they believed that a mostly-Jewish Jerusalem would complement Israel’s moral fortitude. Another 62.4 percent said they believed that Jewish settlement in Ma’aleh Adumim and Gush Etzion serve to strengthen Jerusalem.

Well, yeah.

Another poll the anti-Zionists will use to slam Israel with, while completely ignoring all of the polls taken of the Palestinians that say they don’t want peace, and won’t accept any territorial concessions, either. But hey, what would the day be without a little Israeli Double Standard Time?

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3 Responses to Jews won’t give up the Temple Mount

  1. Paul says:

    Very interesting Meryl !!

  2. Joseph T Major says:

    I don’t know why, but I’m reminded of the guy who wrote an article in a magazine I got (you remember, they were sort of stone-age blogs) with a proposal for Middle East peace. Simply, buy out all the Israelis and move them to New Mexico. And, for a state symbol, move the Western Wall to New Mexico.

    I tried to explain to him what exactly was wrong with that but I’m not sure he got it.

  3. MizEllie says:

    Hmmm, I just can’t understand why Israelis think that land concessions won’t bring them peace. Back in the day they were told that all they would have to do to achieve peace with their neighbors would be to give up the Sinai. And that’s worked out so well for them! Almost as well as the Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon to UN defined borders. Yep. That too brought peace and stability. What, you can’t tell?

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