The “growing international momentum for peace” meme

Have you noticed the new meme in the media? There is a “growing international momentum for peace.”

It emerged quite suddenly. Its source? The so-called “unity government” of Fatah and Hamas. What has, in actuality, changed?


No, not nothing. Hamas spokesmen are being quiet at the moment. After previous agreements, Hamas could always be counted on to say “We will never recognize Israel.” They have finally understood that if they will only shut their mouths for a few weeks, pressure could be brought to bear on Israel so that blame could be put on Israeli intransigence, rather than the world having to recognize Israel’s refusal to deal with genocidal terrorists. If the Hamas leadership would only stop saying they’re going to continue to murder Jews, world opinion could once again focus on Israel’s refusal to resettle the five or six million officially-designated palestinian “refugees” (which include third-generation American citizens, their American-born spouses, and any children of that marriage as UN-recognized “refugees” that have the “right” to return to their homes in what is now Israel).

Well, now that Hamas terrorist leaders have finally shut their collective mouths, and the Arab world is getting on with its full-court press at getting public opinion to turn against Israel for refusing to negotiate a peace agreement. Already, the governments of Egypt and Saudi Arabia have declared that Israel must accept the Saudi agreement as is, with no changes whatsoever. After hinting for a period of a few hours that they may allow the Saudi initiative to be changed, the Arab League has once again insisted there will be no changes to the 2002 Saudi initiative. They have agreed to the initiative, and Israel must comply with their terms.
In other words, peace negotiations mean that Israel must say yes to everything the Arab side demands.

When Israel understandably refuses to agree to this, it will be spun in the world media as Israel’s refusal to negotiate. It will not be acknowledged as the Arab refusal to negotiate. “Accept these lists of demands” is not a negotiation. It is a diktat. Except in this case, it is a diktat by the defeated to the victor. Only Israel, in all of history, is expected to accept the terms of the nations they defeated. Only Israel, in all of history, is not given the right to negotiate settlements—her mission is to accept the orders of the world, based on what the Arab side insists is their “right.”

In this century of rights, from human rights to women’s rights to children’s rights to animal rights, only Israel has no rights on the world stage. Only Israel.

Even though the unity government is a sham, and everyone knows it, the “growing momentum for peace” steamroller is about to mow down Israeli objections. Abbas is urging the U.S. to pressure the Israelis into giving broad concessions. Jordan’s King Abdullah is urging the Israelis to “respond positively” to the plan. Some would say that they have already done so, with Ehud Olmert saying that the plan shows promise and is a basis with which to proceed further. But Olmert has rightly said the “right of return” clause is a nonstarter. But it will be Olmert, and not the Arabs, who will be blamed for refusing to negotiate.

The UN Secretary General is urging Israel to give the “unity government” time to perform. I have already given them time, and found the unity government wanting. In the last 48 hours alone, there have been bombings, firebombings, stabbings, weapons smuggling, and kassam rockets launched at Israel.

Where, pray tell, is the difference from last week, when pretty much the exact same things happened, but in different places? The difference is that the world has accepted the sham of the “unity government.” The difference is the world is using this sham to advance the cause of peace at all costs, because of course, if Israel were at peace with her neighbors, all would be right with the world.
Watch the meme gain momentum. Watch the results come in over the next few days. Watch, as Israel will be vilified for refusing “peace.”

It isn’t peace that Israel refuses. It is the terms of surrender, which once again the defeated Arab armies are trying to impose on the victors. In this topsy-turvy world, the world gets angry with Israel every time she insists on refusing the terms of defeat. One would think that it would finally sink in that Israel will not be a partner to her own destruction. But then, one would have to be ignorant of the history of the past sixty years.

Once more, what time is it? That’s right. It’s Israeli Double Standard Time.

Watch the meme momentum grow.

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13 Responses to The “growing international momentum for peace” meme

  1. Dan Friedman says:

    Meryl, of course you’re right but none of this tragic nonsense could possibly take place without the active and enthusiastic participation of the Israeli leadership. And given the utter complacency of the Israeli electorate in the face of debacle after debacle, the quislings that run the country have a free hand to push it ever closer to the brink. As usual in a democracy, or reasonable facsimile, the people get what they deserve. Israelis are the only ones who can change the situation. But as long as they sit on their butts between wars, that’s exactly what’ll get burned.

  2. Maybe Israel should state that it fully accepts the Balfour Declaration from November 2, 1917 but that in its generosity it was willing to break the land into a Jewish Homeland west of the Jordan, and that all of TransJordan should be used by the Arab people, and that the Right of Return would be to any land they wanted in TransJordan.

  3. The Monster says:

    In other words, Don,

    Jordan is Palestine.

  4. physics geek says:

    Already, the governments of Egypt and Saudi Arabia have declared that Israel must accept the Saudi agreement as is, with no changes whatsoever.

    I believe that Israel’s response should be “Blow me”.

    Sorry to dirty up your comments with my potty keyboard, but my inclination is for Israel to pave over Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

  5. Doanld Zeiter says:

    Something as basic as recognizing Israel’s right to exist is not even on the radar of Hamas or Fatah. Hamas wants to see Israel attacked until its people are pushed into the sea. Fatah would just like to see Israel wither away. How any honest politician can even suggest Israel should make concessions is beyond me. Oh, I forgot, those asking for Israel to make those concessions aren’t honest.

  6. I like your response, physics geek. Although I would use “Kiss my shapely Jew ass.” Gender differences, and all that.

  7. Precisely, Monster, and that means there is already a Palestinian state, and it is one that recognizes Israel’s right to exist. Now the only problem is pushing the troublemakers to the other side of the Jordan River

  8. Sencho says:

    There are only two differences between Fatah and Hamas.

    1) Which arms catalog in which to spend their Euros?

    2) Should the Israelis be thrown into the Med (Hamas) or the Dead (Fatah)?

    Other than that, it’s six of one versus half-a-dozen of the other.

  9. Jason Rodeheaver says:

    Great post Meryl. It’s absolutely critical that people like yourself continue to bring attention to the vicious attempts at suppressing Israel’s right to exist and right to self defense. One thing is for certain, the slander never stops, so it requires an ever vigilant approach.

  10. Ed Hausman says:

    There is a phrase in labor-management negotiations that refers to insincere posturing: “negotiating in the newspapers”. Any realistic bargaining has to be done face to face, not as pleading in public for outside pressure.

    Since the Arab/Muslim world does not recognize the existence of the State of Israel (let’s hear it for the Three No’s of Khartoum!), no Arab/Muslim state or organization is actually offering Israel any deal.

    It’s all a media event. Nothing is on the table because there is no table. Not even the Palestinian Arab side has offered Israel anything other than the deals already signed … oh, right, they don’t honor those anymore, either.

    Of course Israel can’t accept what it hasn’t seen in writing. ((rolleyes, turn aside and spit))

  11. Ed Hausman says:

    Ever eager to clarify their true intentions …

    From the Jerusalem Post: Mashaal: Hamas has not abandoned armed struggle

    Speaking at a conference in Algeria on Monday, Mashaal called on Arab leaders to take advantage of the momentum in the region to push Israel into a corner and to develop a new strategy for retaking Jerusalem.

  12. Thanks, Ed, going to get that right now.

  13. physics geek says:

    Gender differences notwithstanding, your choice of words just sounds better, or least not as dirty.

    Actually, some other words came into my mind, but I’ll post filth like that on my own site.

    True story: I saw a moderated debate between Albright and the secretary of state corpse from Bush the elder’s regime who helped Bush the younger during the 2000 post-election snafu. Both were of the mind that while Israel had every right to exist, they should be more mindful of the Palestinians blah, blah, blah. When they asked for comment cards from the audience, I felt like vomiting on mine. It would have been mean to the poor ushers, though, so I refrained.

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