Jimmy Carter outrage of the week

Because he can’t seem to go a week without insulting Jews:

Jimmy Carter's insulting letter

(Image stolen unabashedly from LGF)

More here.

If this keeps up, we’re going to have to add a Jimmy Carter category.

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2 Responses to Jimmy Carter outrage of the week

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    I would agree with the words that Dhimmi used. Mr Wiesenthal unlike former President Carter would not have resorted to lies and slander in order to raise mone. Unfortunately, Mr. Carter did resort to lies and slander to raise money.

  2. Lil Mamzer says:

    Carter has no shame. He may not even have a soul.
    But his coming-out party this past year as a proud and regressive Jew-baiting tool of Arab oil money should be an object lesson:

    The good times of Jewish life in America may just be beginning to wane. When a former president, even a disgraced one like Carter, can so baldly cast his lot with bigoted Saudi scum, it’s time to prepare for life as a Jew may experience it in France these days.

    Maybe not this year, or in five years, but still.

    Just sayin’.

    My maternal grandfather’s entire family perished in the Warsaw Ghetto. I hope that some of them had the beitzim to find guns and take some Nazis down with them. I promise you I will do the same.

    Just sayin’.

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