Saudi ERA watch

This is why I laugh when people tell me that Islam has any relation to feminism.

The Saudi Gazette reported that a Saudi man who demanded SR100,000 from his daughter in return for allowing her to marry has been disallowed custody rights by the General Shariah Court, according to the Al-Madina newspaper.

The daughter, 35, who sued her father in court, said he had been turning away all the men who proposed to her until she came up with SR100,000.

Her father listed for the court all the funds he had spent on raising her, and stressed that he simply did not want any relationship with his daughter or to see her after she pays him the stated amount and would relinquish custody of her.

His daughter made it clear to the court she didn’t possess that amount of money.

The salient point: The woman is 35 years old. She cannot marry because her father never gave her permission. This is the Saudi version of Sharia law.

In his verdict, the judge mentioned the father had no right to ask for the money he spent on his daughter because it was his obligation as a guardian, as decreed in the Koran.

The judge will appoint her brother as guardian.

Now she is 35 years old and has a brother as a guardian. Wow, what progress! Maybe by the time her daughter’s 35, she’ll be able to drive in Saudi Arabia.


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3 Responses to Saudi ERA watch

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    If she never marries she’ll never have a daughter, since she would have to canoodle with somebody while unmarried. If her brother did not kill her for dishonoring the family, the Sharia Court would for fornication. And her chances for marrying aren’t good, unless her loving brother ponies up a massive dowry. Muslim men seem to prefer to marry 13 year old girls, if they can’t get nine year olds like Muhammed’s wife Aysha. At 35 she’ll be pretty long in the tooth for the Wahhabist Entity’s marraige market, and not even qualify for fourth wife of Omar the Tentmaker.

    Why aren’t feminists, and Western women in general, fanatically behind the war to prevent this sort of idiocy from spreading? They are too complacent perhaps. Yet there are women in Europe, and I presume the USA too, converting to Islam in order to experience such delightful practices as these. Maybe our modern day Gloria Steinems really just want some man to treat them rough. Well, they may well get that wish.

  2. meryl.

    do you have a link to that story?

  3. Oops. MEMRI Blog. Forgot the link. It’s there now.

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