Automotive ice ballet

This is a video that simply must be seen to be believed. In it, we get to see some of Portland’s stupidest drivers watch cars attempt to drive on the icy streets, and then, after seeing the cars slide into numerous other cars, drive on the ice anyway and go crashing into some cars themselves.

I can’t embed the video. Go to the article and enjoy. It’s best watched with at least one other person, so you can wince and cry “Holy crap!” together.

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One Response to Automotive ice ballet

  1. Veeshir says:

    My personal favorite was the second car, the red or maroon (moron?) hatchback.

    You can see it come to a stop and then, you get to see it try to drive away. That’s gosh darn funny. Although the first guy is pretty funny too as he appears to still be accelerating as he slides around bashing cars only to try to stop as he slides backward down that street.

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