Using “defenestrate” in a headline, take two

Has it only been six weeks since the Jerusalem Post used “defenestrate” in a headline?

Because they’ve done it again.

Woman remanded for allegedly defenestrating baby
The Tel Aviv District Court on Wednesday extended by five days the remand of a city resident who allegedly threw her infant daughter out a first floor window the night before, causing the child light injuries.

Police suspected the mother of attempted murder.

A friend of the woman who was present at the time was remanded for another four days for failure to prevent a crime.

The woman’s husband was also remanded for three days.

I have a few questions. Do these people know the couple from the first story? And how many times will this JPost staffer use “defenestrate” in a headline before s/he is satisfied?

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7 Responses to Using “defenestrate” in a headline, take two

  1. chsw says:

    Until Haaretz runs the headline –

    Reporter Defenstrates Jerusalem Post Editor


  2. Norm says:

    The original defenestration occured in Prague in 1618 when the Hapsburg deputy-governors Slavata and Martinitz were the victims, beginning the Thirty Years War. In 1948 also in Prague Thomas Masaryk was also defenestrated by the Communists, and that could be regarded as the start of the Cold War.
    The Jerusalem Post might know something we don’t?

  3. Chris says:

    Time to defenestrate the Jerusalem Post article – after all we’re reading it in (interface) windows!

  4. Alex Bensky says:

    Words like “defenstration” are just sill-y and give me a real pane. I can see right through them. I think the whole issue is shady and you should screen your site against further uses and call it “curtains” for this word. I shutter to think what will happen if you don’t.

  5. Jack says:

    defenestrate is a personal favorite of mine.

  6. The Doctor says:

    Defenestration is a word with a proud literary history. Tell me how you can read Arthur Clarke’s “The Defenestration of Ermintrude Inch” without breaking into a smile and I will pray for your tortured excuse for a soul…

  7. Paul says:

    Nice word !

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