On Jefferson’s koran and Keith Ellison

Anne Lieberman has a different take on Keith Ellison’s use of the koran than the media folks do:

While supposed “reporters” would leave us to our own devices, no doubt to assume that Jefferson was so prescient that he envisioned political correctness hundreds of years beforehand, there are those of us who seek a bigger (and more accurate) picture.

Read the post, and you’ll discover that Thomas Jefferson was reading the koran to discover the motivation behind the Barbary pirates, who were Muslims. Funny how that was never taught to me in high school.

I’m still making up my mind about the whole Ellison swearing in thing.

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56 Responses to On Jefferson’s koran and Keith Ellison

  1. cond0010 says:

    Sorry about the flames, Meryl. I was hoping that Mr. Z would be empathic to the fact that I was losing patience with his snark when I mentioned it in earlier posts and I guess I crossed the threshold in this last one.

  2. Zoroastrian says:

    Wow, really showing your true colors.

    Again, about your 3 questions – they are irrelevant to the fact that Muslim websites and most Muslim people are moderate. You may want them to be marching in the streets Vietnam style, but just because they don’t act exactly the way you want them to doesn’t mean they’re violent or terrorist sympathizers. Trust me, I wish some people in W. Va. didn’t call me a fag or a K_ k _ (Jewish deragatory) every time I went there, but they do. That doesn’t mean they’re going to lynch me.

    You keep narrowing the goal posts. I’m sorry but your questions are stock bs questions everyones heard and answered a hundred times.

    Any how, as I’ve said, and linked to, I have no love for the mullahs in Iran, and neither do most of their own people (see that was sort of my point with the links and all). You should understand that what happened to my people in Iran happened in the 8th century so as much as I would like to hold a grudge, it’s a little too late and considering most of the people in Iran are very little like their medievil predecesors I try to make a distinction. Things are rough for the Zoroastrians under the Mullahs but nobody has been killed for practicing their religion, they just have BS taxes and stuff. However, again – that is not really a reflection on Islam or the people of Iran, it’s a reflection on their asshole leaders.

    The largest Zoroastrian community in a Muslim country is in Pakistan, and those people live well, almost embarrasingly well compared to the majority of the Muslims, so I hate to tell you that I don’t have a link, but I’ve been there and seen it with my own eyes – we practice our religion right out in the open – nobody has ever bothered our community there – not once.

    In any case, sorry to sound so self-righteous about the kiling and murder, but it is the truth that we have truthfully have seperated ourselves from the violence that plagues other religions that do seek to convert as many as possible – inclusing your own. If anything we probably feel closest to Jews in that we prefer to practice our culture and beliefs in peace and have never sought out converts. That is not someting tht can be said of Christianity or Islam.

  3. Zoroastrian says:

    Sorry, I posted before I was finished – I wanted to say that I think your religion does a LOT of really good things, infinitely more good in this world than bad. But sometimes assholes do horrible things in the name of their religion. I haven’t seen Pat Robertson or any other Christian leaders condemning abortion clinic bombers, so until I see that I don’t think it’s fair of you to point your finger at moderate Islamic websites and claim they’re being sneaky.

  4. cond0010 says:

    “Wow, really showing your true colors.”

    Yea. I sure am. I also was not aware how pure you Zoroastrianists are. By you admitting they are better than the ‘big 3’, I finally have confirmation. Thank you so much.

    “Again, about your 3 questions – they are irrelevant to the fact that Muslim websites and most Muslim people are moderate. ”

    Wrong. Websites are words. Protests are action. A moderate is that way in both word and action. If they say moderate things, it should be backedup by moderate actions: like protesting the “radical” actions.

    Words can also be twisted. I sadi that t first glance those sites _appeared_ moderate. I guess you don’t understand what I meant I should never have said the word moderate or Muslim in the same sentence because then you say ‘Ha! see! I was right.

    …and your the one calling me a moron?

    “Trust me, I wish some people in W. Va. didn’t call me a fag”

    I wasn’t aware that you were Homosexual, Zoroastrian.

    “You keep narrowing the goal posts. ”

    No, I posts keep getting moved and wider. This started with you calling me a moron which was both judgemental and inappropriate.

    “I’m sorry but your questions are stock bs questions everyones heard and answered a hundred times.”

    I can do the same thing Z: No yours are.

    “Things are rough for the Zoroastrians under the Mullahs but nobody has been killed for practicing their religion, they just have BS taxes and stuff.”

    Bullshit. Their is a guy with a print shop just down the street from me who fled the persecution of Iran. He was of the Bahai faith. There were many deaths.

    My info comes from people who were actually persecuted: not from any of your bullshit libby sources.

    “In any case, sorry to sound so self-righteous about the kiling and murder, but it is the truth that we have truthfully have seperated ourselves from the violence that plagues other religions that do seek to convert as many as possible – inclusing your own. ”

    Then keep an open mind about the main line faiths of Christianity and Judaism. Both are Life – affirming Religions even tough they do not have control of some fringe maniacs. But that is with all people and religions, Z: there will always be a few nuts out there. When you say your Religion is stainless, my instincts say that is wrong.

  5. cond0010 says:

    “I wanted to say that I think your religion does a LOT of really good things, infinitely more good in this world than bad. ”

    This is the best turn of the converwsation that has happened between us yet, Z.

    Thank you for saying that.

    ” I haven’t seen Pat Robertson or any other Christian leaders condemning abortion clinic bombers, so until I see that I don’t think it’s fair of you to point your finger at moderate Islamic websites and claim they’re being sneaky. ”

    There are radicals and actions of Christians that I do not approve of and wish they would get off my side.

    OTOH, they were not part of this discussion.

    Here is the key to changing my mind, Z:

    If the Moderate Muslims worldwide started staging _massive_ protests against their ‘Radical’ Muslim Brothers and their terroristic External Jihad to convert the world to Islam by the Sword, you would see me _starting_ to change my mind about them and their Allah.

    Until then, they are no better that the German and Scandinavian racists who were quietly smug in their superiority. Who in their very quiet and ‘moderate’ lives promoted the nazi agenda by their silence.

  6. And we’re done here. Closing comments.

    Don’t try to continue this in another thread.

Comments are closed.