Saddam Hangman haiku

Saddam is hanging
He did some very bad things
Hussein, meet Hangman.

The clock is ticking
Today is Saddam’s death day
There won’t be presents

Join in, folks!


Saddam is dead now
It’s Tuna for Terrorists!
The cats are happy

Update 2:

Good point on TV
Remember Saddam’s victims
They rest easy now

Update 3: Geez, do so many of you have to be so gross?

Update 4:

Going to bed now
Comment moderation back
When Lair goes to bed

Translation: I turned off comment moderation for this post, and Lair Simon will turn it back on for me before he signs off.

I’ll approve all your haikus tomorrow morning.

Update 5:
Saddam is dead
palestinians mourn him
They are terrorists

Fox News has pictures
Saddam alive; Saddam dead
The picture is strange

Saddam is dead now
This will not stop violence
Never said it would

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120 Responses to Saddam Hangman haiku

  1. Alan Furman says:


  2. “Oil For Food” was
    Really just Oil For Weapons
    (And Kojo’s car, too)

  3. UncleScreech says:

    Bill H Says he likes pie
    I do too
    Can we hang him again?

  4. SilverBubble says:

    Sadaam is now dead.
    The liberals secretly weep –
    Poor little moonbats.

  5. Don Barry says:

    Saddam is swingin’
    Sleigh bells are ringin’
    Boo Hoo Infidel!

  6. n8whnp says:

    Saddam is dead now
    will tomorrow be safer
    I do not think so

  7. rp1138 says:

    Rope strains against flesh.
    Saddam gets his just reward.
    You want fries with that?

  8. rp1138 says:

    The body falls as
    the lever springs the trap door
    See your house from here?

  9. rp1138 says:

    The kos kids will whine.
    The Dummies will crap their pants.
    Who will lead them now?

  10. Bill H says:

    Dear Uncle, I agree
    fire up the coffee pot
    and drop his ass again

  11. MO says:

    Die you bastard Die
    Swinging from the ropes up high
    Your victims praise god

  12. Dawtaf says:

    Saddam’s death: fitting
    It’s justice that his last act
    Was shitting himself

  13. Lifeless, they swing him.
    Slowly, he oscillates like
    Foucault’s Pendulum.

  14. rp1138 says:

    The famous last words
    of the man who would be God:
    “Choke Choke Gurgle” die

  15. rp1138 says:

    Never it be said
    that Saddam was not well hung.
    Khomeini says Hi

  16. rp1138 says:

    Hunt For Red October,
    bought for five bucks at Wal-Mart.
    Gonna watch it now.

  17. G Fresh says:

    Saddam’s death movie
    If my friends weren’t so squeamish
    My new avatar

  18. Bill H says:

    Saddam and Cheetohs
    not to be
    you cannot take it

  19. jaybear says:

    mainstream media
    cry over Saddam’s demise
    which side are they on?

  20. sick puppy says:

    right behind old scratch
    south park had it right
    tennis, anyone?

  21. Patrick says:

    Back turned to Mecca
    Facing toward the great Satan
    Swinging into hell

    Damn President Bush
    Ramsey Clark sheds bitter tears
    Don’t mess with Texas

    Weep for the moonbat
    In spite of Chomsky and Moore
    One more tyrant dead

  22. BigEZ says:

    Saddam stands thinking
    Does this tie go with this shirt?
    Hey! That’s way too tight!

  23. Nicky says:

    I love the picture
    Posted on
    Get it while its hot

  24. Russ says:

    It was a good choice
    Hang the bastard, hang him high
    Better: a shredder

  25. Russ says:

    History needs words
    like “sic semper tyrannis.”
    Quite memorable.

  26. steve miller says:

    Swingin’ on a star
    That’s not the fate of Saddam
    Countdown: One, Two – URK!

  27. steve miller says:

    It’s a common fate:
    Sic Semper Tyrannis, or
    Iran, watch your back

  28. steve miller says:

    Saddam Hussein is now dead
    No one loved him while he lived
    No one misses him

  29. Temujin says:

    The Toad gets his fate
    It should have been much worse, yet
    he won’t croak again.

  30. Xystus says:

    I’d already thought of using the SST motto before reading steve miller. Really, I had.

    An historic day
    Baghdad Butcher’s toast

  31. This blue-state liberal
    Is actually cheerful
    Evil tyrants suck.

    But still wondering
    Any way to fix this mess?
    Oh well. Saddam gone.

  32. Atoz says:

    And loss of sphincter control
    Saddam drops a yam

  33. Elisson says:

    Justice at rope’s end.
    It’s most unfortunate that
    Kofi walks the earth.

  34. ropsucks says:

    Saddam swings quietly.
    Cindy sheds tears.
    Her son Casey cries.
    What about me, mom.

  35. Cameron says:

    What’s that, poor Sadaam?
    You do not deserve to die?
    Complain to Satan

  36. Cybrludite says:

    Rope, tree, dictator
    Some Assembly Required
    Burn in hell, Saddam

  37. Cybrludite says:

    (BTW, “journalist” & “reporter” have three sylables each as well, should his Imperial Rottiness get annoyed at some talking head with a two sylable name…)

  38. As they say in Oz
    They don’t serve Breakfast in Hell
    Enjoy lunch, Saddam!

    Left obsessed more with
    Bush maybe shredding paper
    than thugs who shred men

    One thing is for sure
    Saddam no longer able
    to hijack Iraq

    Need sign above gallows
    “Justice facilitated
    by President Bush”

    If critics ran things
    Saddam would still be plotting
    sequel 9-1-1

  39. I confess to a haiku violation!


    Need sign on gallows
    “Justice facilitated
    by President Bush”

  40. don surber says:

    South Park episodes

    become true as all bloggers

    swing and sway and blog

  41. John F Not Kerry says:

    How can I say it?
    What goes around, comes around.
    Saddam sees that now.

  42. SMASH says:

    Not a haiku, but I thought you might enjoy this one:

    Ding-dong, Saddam is dead!
    They put a noose around his neck.
    Ding-dong, Saddam Hussein is dead!

    Yee-haw, I’m happy, y’all!
    They dropped the hatch,
    And watched him fall.
    Ding-dong Saddam Hussein is dead!

    Hi-ho, the merry-o!
    Let’s go watch the video.
    Ding-dong, Saddam Hussein is dead!

    Sic Semper Tyrannis

  43. G Fresh,

    Your posts were flagged spam
    Your IP in my blacklist
    It is no longer

  44. Dex says:

    Saddam, swingin’ guy
    Sic Semper Tyrannis, dude
    Have fun hangin’ out.

  45. dogette says:

    Let that bastard swing
    Writhing dangling pain, it’s a
    Retribution thing.

  46. sig94 says:

    Sandal slappin’
    Are you listenin.
    On his ass
    Shit is glistenin’.
    One meter he fell
    Straight into Hell
    His testicles served with Lava Fondue.

  47. Alex Bensky says:

    Wanted Jews dead. Now
    He’s dead and we’re still living.
    Fuck off, Saddam. Hah.

    Each generation one
    Or more rises against us.
    Saddam’s just another.

  48. MrSpkr says:

    Now its Saddam’s turn
    To meet the men in black masks
    And die before dawn.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Saddam Hussein’s
    who used to
    wear a khaki-green
    and shoot onetwothreefouronehundredfortyeight shiitesjustlikethat
    he was a horrid man
    and what i want to know is
    how do you like your blackeyed boy
    Mister Death

    (Or if you really want a haiku):

    saddam is defunct.
    he gassed kurds. do you like your
    ba’athist, Mister Death?

  50. Wild Eyed Charlie says:

    Hussein goes to Hell
    Asks, “Where are all the virgins?”

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