Friday catblogging

Tig was picture-perfect posing this afternoon, so I took a few shots of him. I’ve got that ruff shot I promised, but I can’t decide which is the better one. So I’m giving you both, and you can decide for yourselves.

Tig in a handsome pose

Tig in another handsome pose

I simply can’t decide between them, but boy, is that a come-hither look, or is that a come-hither look?

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6 Responses to Friday catblogging

  1. cond0010 says:

    I like the top pic just a leeeeetle better.

    He’s kinda poofy right now. Did you brush him today?

  2. Nope, not yet.

    The top picture captures the way he looks at me when he’s happy. So does the bottom one, come to think of it. He loves being outside when it’s nice, and he loves having me around. The only thing better would be a dish of tunafish on the patio.

  3. He reminds me of a big fat whiteless Frisky.

  4. wolfa says:

    Top picture is better. I love big, longhaired ginger cats.

  5. Russ says:

    He’s sure a handsome fellow. I’d go with the top pic, too.

  6. Rahel says:

    I’ll take ’em both. Tig is one gorgeous cat.

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