It’s David Duke season!

As I mentioned before, the Duke defenders come out of the woodwork, allowing me to laugh at their stupidity, but not generally you. However, I’m going to share the Dukies’ stuff with my readers.

Here’s a comment from Stormfront that didn’t make it through my spamkillers (the Stormfront IP was one of the first in there):

Shouldn’t you be happy? They get you more comments and more (potentially, anyways) readers (to click on your adds hopefully).

This brilliant Stormfront degenerate can’t spell, and can’t see. I have no ads on my blog.

Solly, this one’s in your backyard:

I read your vitriolic article about David Duke and the debate on the “Holocaust”. I know not from whence your visceral antipathy towards Duke derives, but I do know that those inclined to be more objective on topics (any) conduct themselves with a bit more temperance and grace than that which you have displayed. Provide reasons, facts and evidence as to why you disagree with David Duke or any other of those who attended the conference. Simply saying “David Duke attended;that tells us everything” is insufficient.

No wonder why more and more people are turning off the establishment media and tuning into sites like David

Cynthia Grant
Boston Ma.

Well, Cynthia, let’s take your points one by one.

I read your vitriolic article about David Duke and the debate on the “Holocaust”.

First of all, the Holocaust happened. Just because you like to stick your fingers in your ears and yell “I can’t HEAR you” every time someone gives you actual, factual proof of the Holocaust doesn’t mean it isn’t so. Oh, and it’s traditional to actually, y’know, mention which article you’re bitching about. I presume it’s this one, but I have written more than one on your Dear Leader (wow, he so needs a refund on that plastic surgery fee; he wuz robbed).

I know not from whence your visceral antipathy towards Duke derives, but I do know that those inclined to be more objective on topics (any) conduct themselves with a bit more temperance and grace than that which you have displayed.

Dude, I so love the use of the words “I know not from whence,” because, like, that is SO intuhlekchewull, I don’t know what to do about it. I may faint. Oh, and the pretense that you can’t figure out why I, a Jew, dislike Duke, a Jew-hater. (By the way, not really very fond of Cynthia Grant, either.) Temperance and grace? Regarding an anti-Semite, racist, bigoted asshole like David Duke? There is no reason to treat him with anything less than the contempt with which he treats me and mine. As for objectivity, you may want to look up the meaning of the word “blog.” “Objectivity” isn’t anywhere in it.

Provide reasons, facts and evidence as to why you disagree with David Duke or any other of those who attended the conference.

I have provided facts, as have many, many other people. The real fact, of course, is that you and your ilk will not accept the facts that are already in evidence. Your use of quotes around the Holocaust is evidence of your mendacity, not to mention stupidity.

Simply saying “David Duke attended;that tells us everything” is insufficient.

To anyone with even the slightest knowledge of David Duke’s history, it is. He is an anti-Semite, a Holocaust denier, a bigot, a former member of the KKK, and has made his views about Jews well-known. Once again, you are disingenuous to the extreme.

No wonder why more and more people are turning off the establishment media and tuning into sites like David

Really? I think you mean that more and more people are turning to blogs—like mine, actually, in search of the truth that the media won’t give them. Some newspapers actually called Duke an “academic” or a “scholar.” Here, I point out his bogus degree from Hate Jew U. in the Ukraine, things that you won’t read in the IHT. (It’s in the comments to the post, you can find them by clicking on the word “comments.” I know, tough directions, but I have faith in your ability.)

In closing, Cynthia, I would like to wish you a hearty rendition of the mantra: Anti-Semites of the world, just die already. If the shoe fits….

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9 Responses to It’s David Duke season!

  1. cond0010 says:

    ” …I do know that those inclined to be more objective on topics (any) conduct themselves with a bit more temperance and grace than that which you have displayed. ”

    Whoa…. time to take a Duke…

    (* Duke! *)

    (* Flush *)

    …ahhhh… much better.

    Ya know, I don’t get into potty humor much, but considering the context, I am sure Meryl will appreciate it – well maybe – this once. :)

  2. Robert says:

    Ah the Master of Scorn is back with a home run! :)

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    For that matter, “whence” means “from where” and “from whence” is not only repetitive, it’s redundant. I guess she’s trying to convince you that her IQ is at least room temperature; if so the rest of her letter refutes that.

  4. Lil Mamzer says:

    Just one look at this glimpse of Duke is enough to separate the Cynthia Grants of the world from those who are not antisemitic creeps.

  5. You know, L’il Mamzer, after having watched that video, I simply can’t understand what David Duke has done to offend me. Why, he delivered that speech—which said that all the world is controlled by Zionists—with such temperance and grace, it strikes me that I may have been a tad harsh on him.

    No, not really. But it was fun making Cindy think so.

  6. Lil Mamzer says:

    I’m cutting Dave some slack. I mean, consider his audience that day in Damascus – thousands of rabid Baathists spoon-fed classic antisemitic propaganda since birth.

    I’m sure his address to the Hillel chapter of the University of Damascus the next day eased up on that ‘Zionists controlling the world’ schtick.

  7. “I know not from whence your visceral antipathy towards Duke derives…”

    I think/ask that this here blog must accept a special clause re use of strong language in some cases, lifting some restrictions.

    If a person is entitled to use some highfalutin words like “visceral” and “derives”, I must be freed to use words like %^&^@ and (&^#@&^$ and (*@()@)) etc.

  8. Lil Mamzer says:

    “I know not from whence your visceral antipathy towards Duke derives…”

    Meryl, this deserves to be put on a banner under your Anti-Semitism heading. It’s such a perfect blend of idiotically willful blindness and visceral hatred. Cynthia has managed to create something sublime.

  9. Snoopy, it’s the comments section. Feel free. It’s in posts I generally watch my language.

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