Annoying insects

Today, while talking to a friend or two, I made the following comparison:

A flea is an annoyance that must be hunted down and destroyed, as are flies and mosquitoes. But a gnat? Most people ignore gnats, at most, waving them off with one hand and going about their business.

No, I don’t expect any of the rest of you to understand this post.

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3 Responses to Annoying insects

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    John Kerry thinks that terrorists are a bunch of gnats.

    Most of the rest of us think that the analogy should be to the tse-tse fly.

  2. I thought you meant one of a kind I am dealing with during the last two/three days (watch that space over there, you may even enjoy some of it).

  3. cond0010 says:

    Hmmmm… The different kinds of Trolls?

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