Have a laugh on YouTube

My brother sent me a link to a YouTube video of LOTR with Zep’s “Battle of Evermore” as the background music. (And may I say: It does NOT work.)

But I found this neat video, which does work: How the Lord of the Rings should have ended.

And if that one isn’t funny enough, this one is. Which LOTR guy is gay?

There’s a parody song about the Backstreet Boys that I’d never heard, which makes it hilarious.

And if anyone can tell me where the background music of this LOTR video is, I’d appreciate it. I know I’ve heard it before. I don’t think it’s the LOTR soundtrack.

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7 Responses to Have a laugh on YouTube

  1. Rahel says:

    I thought I saw a reference to the soundtrack of “Requiem for a Dream.” That might be a place to start.

  2. Jack says:

    Hi Meryl,

    It is

    Lux Aeterna Requiem for a Dream (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture)
    Clint Mansel.

    It was used as the background in the Three Days in Israel Youtube video. (WARNING: Graphic pictures of the victims of suicide bombings at link.)

  3. A Steve says:

    Good stuff. I liked the alternate ending a lot. But none of them are quite as cool as the Lord of the Rhymes (check out the music video).

  4. Lorne says:

    Great site! I’m surprised you didn’t know the theme from a movie from one of the greatest Jewish diretors of our time – Darren Aranofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, and now, The Fountain).
    As mentioned, it’s the theme from Requiem.

  5. Jack,

    I clicked that link, but you might want to warn people that it contains graphic images of the results of suicide bombings. I added one to your comment.

    It reminded me of the rage I feel every time I read about one. But I couldn’t watch the whole thing tonight.

  6. And oh yeah–that just went on my Amazon wishlist. I simply cannot get that tune out of my head.

  7. Jack says:

    Hi Meryl,

    Thanks, my mistake. I posted that video on my blog several months ago.

    I have watched it many times. It never ceases to upset me. It is a chilling reminder about why we need to fight.

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