Gracie pic, hot off the presses

Took this one a few minutes ago. The reason Miss Gracie is looking so peeved is because she hates the flash, so she’s refusing to look up. But you get a good view of her beauty spot on her shoulder.

Gracie, up to the minute

At the moment, Tig is trying to get my attention by annoying Gracie. She just mewed, which was my cue to threaten Tig with shoes. Unlike House-elves in Harry Potter’s world, when I threaten Tig with shoes, it means if he doesn’t stop what he’s doing I’m going to throw one at him. I don’t hit him. But it scares him off whatever he’s not supposed to be doing, like picking on Gracie.

We have had an interesting day or two since the Prednisone kicked in. She’s still pretty sick. She feels better shortly after being given a pill. She can’t eat dry food. She tried, and threw it up right after. I took the dry food away. She is finally downstairs, however. Today’s the first day since she came home that she’s spent any amount of time out of my laundry basket (or should I say, her laundry basket). She’s keeping me company now in the kitchen, where I stop every so often and dole out skritches.

Some unfortunate side effects of our week: Gracie seems to think my job in life is now to spoon-feed her. She’s not really eating the wet food and tunafish unless I put it on a spoon and help her. This will probably end tomorrow, as she’ll be hungry enough in the morning that the choice will be eat by herself, or don’t eat at all, and by the way, did I mention I don’t get out of religious school until noon?

I think she’ll eat by herself.

She isn’t resisting the topical antibiotic. I guess it’s the whole rubbing it in her ear thing. Of course, now that she’s not in the laundry basket, I’m going to have to track her down to give her her medicine. She’s still boycotting the sofa, evidently.

She has a new name from the events of the past few weeks. It’s Miss Bony Butt. Because she lost so much weight that the bones in her butt stick out now. We need to pad out that butt!

I’m still trying to figure out what happened to her hind leg. One of them seems crooked, and she doesn’t walk right any more. She has a bit of a limp. I wonder if she hurt herself at the vet’s. I’m very used to hearing the tick-tick-tick-tick of Gracie’s claws on the wood floors at night. Now I hear tick-tick-tick-thump, and it bothers me.

One more reason to dislike ex-vet.

Well, next time I take her to new vet, I’ll ask him to look over her hind legs.

Whoopsie. Tig’s back inside. Time to go pay attention to the kitties.

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2 Responses to Gracie pic, hot off the presses

  1. Rahel says:

    Sweet Gracie! I hope she’s feeling better today.

  2. Mog says:

    So glad Gracie is doing better. I’ve been following the whole miserable vet saga just haven’t commented. Been busy helping my baby get ready for her baby which will be popping out any day now.
    Incidentally, cats are cheaper than human babies.

    Although Gracie may have cost more to fix than has been spent so far on my soon to be grandbaby.

    And as I have three bony butted cats, I might try that kitten milk stuff mentioned in one of the other post’s comments. Course, the bony butted ones are the aged ones. They’ve earned their bony butts by staying alive so long.

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