Chris Busby and the Independent are full of crap

Remember when the British paper The Independent said that sampled from bomb craters in Lebanon showed signs of depleted Uranium as part of a rumored “DIME” weapon developed by the Israelis?

The craters, at Khiam and At-Tiri, were caused by Israeli heavy or guided bombs and showed “elevated radiation signatures,” the Independent quoted Chris Busby, the British scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, as saying.

The United Nations did extensive testing and found… nothing:

UN experts have found no evidence to support a press report that Israel used depleted uranium (DU) munitions during the July-August conflict in Lebanon, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has said.

“The samples taken by the UNEP scientists show no evidence of penetrators or metal made of DU or other radioactive material,” UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner said in a statement Tuesday.

“In addition, no DU shrapnel, or other radioactive residue was found. The analysis of all smear samples taken shows no DU, nor enriched uranium nor higher than natural uranium content in the samples.”

So, which is denser:

  • Depleted Uranium?
  • Chris Busby and his so-called research?
  • The Indepentent for peddling his crap?

Of course, the UN will continue to test and the Muslims and anti-Semitic NGOs will shout that the fact that no evidence was found doesn’t mean the weapons don’t exist… or weren’t used on women and children going about their daily lives, tra la la la la.

And yet, these same entities are the same ones who point to the lack of discovery of actual nuclear weapons in post-Saddam Iraq means that there was no weapons of mass destruction development programme.

Since a report exonerating Israel goes against everything the United Nations stands for, they had to slip in an attack somehow… somewhere…

The investigation confirmed that Israel had used artillery and mortar ammunition containing white phosphorus, the statement said.

Israel says that none of its weapons are illegal and acknowledged on October 22 that it used the phosphorus.

Human rights groups have long argued that phosphorus weapons, which cause agonising injuries, should be banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention.

I’ll leave the whole “Lebanon/Hezbollah/Iran fired weapons at civilian population centers with the intention of harming and terrorizing civilians while Israel specifically targeted terrorist bunkers, weapons caches, command centers, and transportation routes” fact for others to hammer home. Just look at a map of strikes upon Beirut and strikes upon Northern Israeli towns and do the math.

I’ve got my tea to brew.

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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One Response to Chris Busby and the Independent are full of crap

  1. Yankev says:

    Human rights groups have long argued that phosphorus weapons, which cause agonising injuries, should be banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention.

    “Should be banned?” Isn’t that an admission that they are legal at present? In other words, just one more case of condmening Israel for doing something that everyone else is permitted to do.

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