They could be Heroes

The latest episode of Heroes: Man, they just keep getting better. Shock after shock, surprise after surprise (though it was pretty easy to see the end of the cheerleader’s little jaunt with the quarterback; they telegraphed it a mile away), and it looks like Sabba Hillel was right: Niki is the brick.

I love this show. I’m totally falling for Hiro, what with the humor and enthusiasm of the character, and so I was utterly surprised to see…
(spoiler warning below the fold; if you came here from anywhere but the main page you’re going to be spoiled)

Surprised to see Hiro in an utterly sober and straightforward manner at the end of the show. I think the only explanation is that his buddy Ando is going to be killed at some point in the future, and when that happens, Hiro is going to realize that being a hero isn’t all fun and games.

I really, really like this show, and look forward to each new episode. So glad I decided to tape them, but this one is easily going on my must-buy list. And it’s a big hit! That’s two new shows that I’m watching that are catching on—Jericho has already been extended a year, too.

Funny how for a show written by a guy who doesn’t know comic books, it’s a great comic book show.

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2 Responses to They could be Heroes

  1. tom says:

    When I saw hiro on the train with a different look – facial hair (soul patch, I think it’s called), serious look, and a katana strapped over his back, I think he went back in time to study with a sword-master so that he could defend himself better (like against those casino thugs who knocked him out with one punch). Maybe he picked up some martial arts, too.

  2. The Doctor says:

    I don’t know if Niki is the brick or whoever is inside her head is; when she’s Niki she doesn’t look that strong…

    The biggest issue is: what will their superhero names be?

    We already have “Little Miss Miracle Gro” and “Internet-Stripper Woman”—any thoughts for the others?

    I personally vote for “Super Hiro”!

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