Carnival of Mel

I was going to put up a Mel Gibson post to the effect that I don’t accept his apology, but I don’t have to. Instead, I’m going to send you over to the Carnival of Mel, which is utterly, utterly, hilarious. Hilarious.

And sorry, Steve, but but I don’t care how drunk you get, you’re not getting any. I don’t do misanthropes. Not even ones who cook.

Update: Click on the “MORE” links or you’re missing some of the funniest lines.

This entry was posted in Anti-Semitism, Bloggers, Humor. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to Carnival of Mel

  1. Pingback: moxie

  2. Steve H. says:

    C’mon I just had the camel washed.

  3. Stop, you’re gonna make me crack a rib.

  4. Pingback: Cozy Corner

  5. ilyka says:

    Beautiful, just beautiful. Exquisite, even.

  6. Pingback: Strangely Silent: De Doc`s Ventures » Blog Archive » Hitchens, Validated

  7. Jeremy Arnold says:

    Didn’t the nazi’s censor alot of people too? You fascist.

  8. Wow, you’re a total schmuck. Go read the other thread to see what happened to your comments.

    I accidentally marked your last comment yesterday as spam, and I have Spam Karma set to purge spam immediately. So it erased that comment, and put your IP address in the blacklist, and deleted your other comments. I was unaware that SK would do that. Now I know.

    But thanks for the laugh. I haven’t been called a fascist since my days as a BBS Sysop. So, how old are you? Because the ones who were calling me a fascist back then were all in high school.

  9. Jeremy Arnold says:

    I am a 20 year old E-3 in the United States Army. I am however earning my degree at LCU to recieve my commission as a 2nd Lt.

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