Yalla ya Nasrallah

This is so going to be a big part of the Shire Network News podcast this week:

Go. Watch. It’s great, it’s funny, and it’s got a beat you can dance to.

Yalla ya Nasrallah

I’ll be back with a transcript soon, and I ripped the music to an mp3 (raw, not good quality). If you want it emailed, send a note to yallayanasrallah at gmail dot com.

These guys have earned the title Masters of Juvenile Scorn. And I oughta know.

Thanks to Jack and Bagel Blogger.

Update: Forget the transcript, it just doesn’t translate well except for the chorus. Let me get back on this one.

Update 2: Go read Bagel Blogger. He has tons of great stuff. So does Ezzie. Seriously, just click the graphic at the left and go down the list of bloggers.

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16 Responses to Yalla ya Nasrallah

  1. Pamela says:


    I’d like to have the MP3 emailed to me. I just don’t know how to email you to let you know I want it?

    Hilarious, makes me smile and happy just watching it!

  2. Marcel says:


    I’d like to receive the mp3 of ‘yalla ya Nasrallah’, but just could not find your email address.

    Hope this message is enough.

    Have a good day

    Thanks in advance

  3. Macker says:

    I’ve got this in mp3! Email me if you want it!

  4. Brian (of Australia) says:

    Caught this great song on the last Shire Network News podcast – would love to get it, if possible.


  5. salo cohen says:

    Please e-mail me the mp3

  6. Beth says:

    OMG, I love this video!

    And thanks for the link to Bagel Blogger–you’re right; tons of great stuff!

  7. Pingback: MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

  8. Dawn Treader says:

    Please mail me a good MP3. Can’t wait!

  9. yoan says:

    email me the mp3 plz!!

  10. Ari says:

    Meryl, the mp3 would be much appreciated!

  11. phil says:

    I want it, too. Please!

  12. yala ya nasralla says:

    i have the .mp3 if you want it email me @

    yallayanasrallah at gmail dot com.

  13. Jon says:

    It’s a great song! Please mail me a copy of the mp3 file for my mp3 player.

  14. a fan says:

    hi pleas e-mail me the song..

  15. sabban samuel says:

    email me the mp3 of yalla ya nasrallah please…thanks

  16. Hettie says:


    The Teacher has the video with English subtitles. Cd u send me the mp3 version?

    Many thanks


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