Richmond Jews rally for Israel

I’ll be at the JCC’s Israel Solidarity Gathering tomorrow night. It’s part of the nationwide Jewish Community Federation’s drive to raise $18 million for the Israel Crisis Fund. The funds will be dedicated to moving the people of Israel—Jewish, Arab, and Druze—who can’t afford to move from the north out of the range of Hezbullah rockets.

You can contribute here if you’d like. Or you can donate to your local Federation. I’m sure your synagogue or JCC has the details. Either way, put a couple of bucks into the pot and help those people get out of the range of Hezbullah’s rockets. 93 landed Sunday, causing 93 casualties—including two deaths.

I’ll bring the camera, and may actually go out and purchase that digital recorder I’ve had my eye on. I don’t think we have any big stars lined up, but you never can tell—we’re only two hours south of DC.

In any case: Give generously. Let’s get those people out of harm’s way.

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4 Responses to Richmond Jews rally for Israel

  1. Robert says:

    COOL. I wish there was a rally in Phoenix, I would LOVE to attend one in support of Israel.

  2. Tatterdemalian says:

    Is moving the civilians going to work? Won’t Hezbollah just sneak their rockets into the abandoned communities and fire them further south from there?

  3. cond0010 says:


    The link doesn’t work. This is what I get for an error:

    Invalid access to this site.

    Please go back and try your request again’

  4. Tat, they’re moving civilians from northern Israel. The IDF will remain. I don’t think Hezbullah will be moving into Israeli communities any time soon.

    Fixed the link. The secure form may only be accessible through their site or via their email.

    Yeah, yeah, I’m going to bed. Wasn’t tired ’til now.

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