Begin at the end

Carl from Jerusalem has the best response to Richard Cohen’s execrable “Israel is a mistake” column. Here is his conclusion:

Israel is neither a mistake nor a crime. It is the beginning of the culmination of more than 2000 years of Jewish yearning to return to our homeland. The manner in which the Jewish people has chosen to govern the Land of Israel has its faults. But being a ‘mistake’ created in ‘Arab land’ – let alone being a ‘crime’ – is not among those faults. We Jews have to learn to stop listening to liberals like Cohen and to start fighting – with God’s help – for our existence. Hopefully, the current battle marks a turning point.

Read it in full.

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One Response to Begin at the end

  1. Normally I like Richard Cohen’s columns, but the beginning of that column made me think he’s the one who needs a history lesson.

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