Take a break and laugh a bit

Via Glenn Reynolds, two very funny YouTubes.

First, Michelle Malkin mocks the Cindy Sheehan fast. Y’know, I thought I’d get bored fairly quickly and turn it off, but it’s hilarious.

Next, my favorite X-Man in a new faux trailer by the guys who brought us Brokeback to the Future. It’s called “X-Men 3: The Last Standing Ovation,” and it mixes Broadway Hugh Jackman with X-Man Hugh Jackman. If you’re a Broadway, X-Man, and Hugh Jackman fan, it’s heavenly. And extremely funny.

Go. Watch. Laugh.

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2 Responses to Take a break and laugh a bit

  1. Do you think we can get the Cindy fasting rules approved in time for Yom Kippur this year? (I’m not a very good Jew but I do try to fast for Y.K.)

    I’m writing to the Chief Rabbi now.

  2. Pingback: Jeremayakovka

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