Friday night funnies with YouTube

Kitty acrobatics of all kinds. Funny.

But this is the best: Talking cats. I swear to God, they talk. You don’t want to be eating or drinking while watching this.

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5 Responses to Friday night funnies with YouTube

  1. Tatterdemalian says:

    Was anyone else here seriously creeped out by the “Oh no” cat at the end of the talking cats video? Imagine having a cat that would wander around the house doing that all night. Some drunk or psychotic guy could break into your house, and you’d think the muttering was from the cat.

  2. A Steve says:

    Those just made my wife’s day. She loves cat videos.

    Was anyone else creeped out that the “How Can a Cat Be a Usefull [sic] Device” video used the Holy Chant of the Third Impact from Evangelion?

  3. I started watching that one, but the whole concept started to creep me out, so I stopped.

    But man, those talking cats. I have to teach my cats to talk. I mean, they’re very talkative already. I have to teach them to speak on command.

  4. chsw says:

    My dog started barking while I was playing the talking cats video.

  5. You know that last one, where the cat seems to be saying “Oh no”? That is a cat seriously pissed off and about to attack. Those are war yowls.

    Gracie heard them, and was utterly unimpressed.

    I have to try that on Tig.

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