“Curbing” aggression between Fateh and Hamas

Fateh and Hamas leaders claim to have settled their differences and agree to “curb” back on the civil war stuff.

Meanwhile, just got a Muppet News Flash: Nabil Hodhod just got taken out by a car bomb in Gaza City. He’s Fateh’s commander of Preventive Security there.

I suppose bits and pieces of him and his staff are spread across a few curbs right now.

In case you’re already popping corn, Meryl, I like my popcorn popped on the stove with olive oil and smothered with Parmesan cheese.

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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5 Responses to “Curbing” aggression between Fateh and Hamas

  1. Pingback: This Blog Is Full Of Crap

  2. Joel says:

    Whenever Pali terrorists kill each other I make a little holiday in my heart.

  3. chsw says:

    Let’s wish both Hamas and Fatah the best of luck.


  4. Michael Lonie says:

    Nah, chsw, I wish they’d both lose a civil war.

  5. cond0010 says:

    “Muppet News Flash: Nabil Hodhod just got taken out by a car bomb in Gaza City.”

    Another Muppet News Flash! ‘When the smoke cleared’ Nabil Hodhod ‘was over there… and over there… and over there…’


    Just thought I’d serve up a sacred cow burger to go along with your popcorn…

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