See the AP spin. Spin, AP, spin.

Hold onto your hats, and look at the bullshit the AP is trying to spread now. Read the headline. Read the first sentence. Then read the rest of the lead, and someone tell me where the “edging toward recognition” is coming, because I’m seeing none. Nada. Zip. Even the effing AP says so. (H/T: Bryan L.)

Hamas edges toward recognition of Israel

Hamas edged toward recognition of Israel, a key international demand, in an agreement worked out by Hamas and Fatah leaders in an Israeli prison, mentioning a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza while refusing to renounce violence.

Israel refused to comment on the document on Thursday, and the Hamas leadership in Damascus were also silent but there was little reason to believe either would welcome it.

Hamas leaders in Gaza and the West Bank have hinted they might abandon the group’s call for the destruction of Israel, but Khaled Mashaal, the Syria-based leader of Hamas, has rejected any suggestion of moderation.

Can you say, “Anti-Israel media bias?” I knew you could.

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