Iran’s proxy war against Israel, cont’d.

Iran has publicly announced that it is actively recruiting British Muslims to commit suicide bombings in Israel.

The Committee for the Commemoration of Martyrs of the Global Islamic Campaign, which claims to be independent but has the backing of the regime, said it is targeting potential recruits in Britain because of the relative ease with which UK passport-holders can enter Israel.

They aren’t even trying to hide their genocidal intent any more.

Mohammad Samadi, a spokesman for the group, told the Guardian that striking at Israel was the priority of his recruitment drive. “The first target is Israel. For us, that is the battlefield,” he said. “All the Jews are targets, whether military or civilian. It’s our land and they are in the wrong place. It’s their duty to pay attention to safety of their own families and move them away from the battlefield,” he said.

And notice how they justify these actions:

Mr Samadi said recruits would not be told to attack British cities. “With the exception of Israel, we do not target civilians,” he said. “They would definitely not be sent to carry out an attack on London unless it was to kill Salman Rushdie.”

This is a government-backed group set up with the permission and praise of the Iranian government, announcing its intent to murder Jews using British citizens. So what do the Brits say?

The British embassy has called on the Iranian government to renounce support for the group. A Foreign Office spokesman said: “We have longstanding concerns at the support that Iran provides to groups undermining peace in the Middle East through violence, including the activities of this group.”

But western diplomats played down the significance of the group’s threat, saying it was primarily a campaign to gather signatures of protest against Israel rather than recruiting bombers. But the group’s pronouncements add to the list of western indictments against Iran since the election last year of Mr Ahmadinejad, who has called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

It seems to me that it is past time for Israel to bring a case against Iran to the United Nations. By its words and deeds, Iran has committed many acts of war against a member state. Its support for Hezbullah, PIJ, and now Hamas, in a just world, would be enough for the censure, if not sanctioning, of Iran.

But this is not a just world. This is the UN, an organization that protects ruthless mass-murderers, passes resolutions declaring Zionism to be racism, and does nothing in Darfur, did nothing in Rwanda, and would do nothing to stop Iran.

They couldn’t even get a resolution condemning anti-Semitism passed. It was withdrawn due to opposition from — wait for it — the Arab bloc.

It astonishes me that a modern-day Hitler has publicly announced his intentions on more than one occasion, and the world still refuses to believe that he means what he says. What part of “Israel will be annihilated” is really that difficult to understand?

The world’s silence to the current answer to “the Jewish question” speaks volumes.

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5 Responses to Iran’s proxy war against Israel, cont’d.

  1. Li'l Mamzer says:

    It astonishes me that a modern-day Hitler has publicly announced his intentions on more than one occasion, and the world still refuses to believe that he means what he says. What part of “Israel will be annihilated” is really that difficult to understand?

    Iran, and the Arabs, are bullies. People are afraid of bullies. Until some brave or desperate one finally comes along and busts the bully upside his head with a steel pipe, the shakedown will go on.

  2. chsw says:

    Let’s think like terrorists for a minute:

    If one is a terrormaster and one has got a cabal of terrorists formed of Brits, why would one send them to Israel when they could create more chaos in the USA?

    We Americans are the ones who have to raise our general level of alertness – and I do not mean a color code thing.


  3. Michael Lonie says:

    It looks like the Ayatollah Khomieni was actually the reincarnation of Haman.

    The Iranians have until their government launches a nuke or there is a nuke terrorist attack to overthrow these evil nutcases. At that point there must be retaliation, overwhelming retaliation not just proportional since we want to stop any other nutcases from doing the same thing and frightfulness is the only way to do so. At that point we will no longer be able to distinguish between the Iranians who support the evil nucases and the Iranians who do not. All will be swept away by nuclear fire. If they do not want this to happen they must do womething now. It is a matter of life and death, their own.

    I see Tony Blair has informed Dubya that Britain will not be alongside the USA in trying to do anything about Iran and its plans for nukes, genocide, and imperialist conquest. So be it. Every time Euros wimp out like that, or put childish impediments in the way of doing something about a crisis before it’s too late, a bit of the willingness of Americans to support the Euros in any future crisis of their own dies. Eventually they will use it all up. To whom will they turn to meet a new crisis? Of course, they may have already decided on preemptive surrender, which would explain a lot.

  4. Alan Kellogg says:

    Now, since the prospect of incarceration does not deter suicide bombers, what say we try hospitalization.

    They are, after all, suicidal, and that has long been grounds for hospitalization. Seventy two hours to start, with more possible after a (often perfunctory) court hearing. Given how the typical suicide bomber tends to act the hearings should be more along the lines of rubber stamp affairs.

    Then we start the punishment.

    First hospital food. Cooked by people with a talent for taking the poetry of Shakespeare and making it dull and lifeless.

    Then therapy, where the patients are coerced into participating in activities that would embarass a catamite, then forced to listen as some victim of psychological correctness blathers on about some tenuous connection with DEEP MEANING.

    And let us not forget the medication. Psychotropics, anti-depressents, blood pressure medication (I take Effexor in part to combat anxiety disorder. Which tends to raise my blood pressure. So, thanks to Effexor, my blood pressure goes down. But Effexor also raises blood pressure, so I have to take Atenolol to counter an Effexor side effect. Psychotropics have their own side effects, which require counters of their own.)

    Even after release from the hospital the patient will have to stay in touch with his psychiatrist, and stay on his medication, or be hospitalized again. If he’s real obstinent about it he could be assigned a caretaker, or permanently hospitalized.

    Oh, and hospitalisation is indeterminant. You get out when they say you’re ready to get out.

    We do it right we could see volunteering for suicide bomber virtually disappear.

  5. chsw says:

    Kellogg, you mean well. However, I think that subjecting the malefactors to 120 consecutive hours of “The Barney Song” would have the desired effect at a much lower cost.


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