Another palestinian coward blows himself up

Disguised as a haredi (religious Jew), a palestinian got himself picked up by three Jews on their way back to their town in the West Bank. He blew himself up, killing the three haredim, at the entrance to the settlement.


Fatah claimed the killing. That would be the party that Arafat founded, the party that Abbas supposedly leads. Once again, there is no palestinian peace partner, because they don’t want “the peace of the brave.” They want the peace of the grave.


Counting down to the celebrations by the new Hamas-led PA.

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6 Responses to Another palestinian coward blows himself up

  1. Rahel says:

    Since the creeps can’t influence the elections by means of a terror attack anymore, they’re back to killing Jews for its own sake.

  2. Li'l Mamzer says:

    “Counting down to the celebrations by the new Hamas-led PA.”

    I’m counting down to the long-overdue annihilation of Hamas and Fatah.

  3. allen says:

    This was posted by me at both Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs.

    It is tough being an Arab warrior, quite apart from being an oxymoron. The unfathomable protozoan impotence must be unbearable. Week-in, week-out, the son of Mohammed must endure the ringing harangue of the imam to go forth in the name of Allah and rid the caliphate of the offspring of pigs and monkeys (these would be the dirty, dimwitted, conniving, cunning Jews). Yet, for 48 years, despite the best efforts of Allah and the promises of Gabriel, he and his brothers have been unceremoniously driven from every battlefield by the self-same cowardly, yet vicious, miscreants; invariably reduced to seeking sanctuary behind the skirts of their ululating women and unkempt wailing children. Yes, the life of the proud Arab warrior is tough. One can readily appreciate the sympathy of the good Doctor and her Department of State.

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    I have long thought that the real cause of the continued Muslim efforts to finish the job Hitler started is outrage and humiliation to their galactically sized, enormously puffed up amour propre.

    As far as I’m concerned they can sooth their wounded self-love in some peaceful way, or not at all. If the jihadis manage to convince the rest of the world, as they are trying real hard to do, that the rest of us cannot live in safety with Muslims, it will be a very bad day for Allah’s Faithful.

  5. scottage says:

    I think at this point Abbas is the leader of no party, that he’s a man without a home, with no real support base behind him. Let’s hope that Israel doesnt’ make the past mistake of negotiating a peace agreement with a leader with no influence over the Palestinian population.

  6. thewoland says:

    There were 4 casualties, not 3, not counting the scum.

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