Today’s EATAPETA gathering

Sarah and the twins and I went out to a local fast food chain, and we have the pictures (on Lair Simon’s PETA gallery) to prove it. If you want to submit your pictures, send them to Lair Simon. Be nice and cut them to 640×480 first.

Milk with breakfast, chicken for lunch, and corned beef for dinner. What was your menu like? (You can put that over on Lair’s, too.)

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5 Responses to Today’s EATAPETA gathering

  1. Liana says:

    No pics, but I had a slice of turkey with my breakfast bagel, thai beef salad for lunch, and boneless strip steak for dinner.

    Last year, we went to one of those Brazilian all-you-can-eat steakhouses. They bring whole roasts and things to your table, and you tell them what to carve off.

  2. Joel says:

    Last night after comig out of class (Krav Maga by the way) I had a Big Mac (the first in years) at McDonald’s. I had forgotten how good the s*** tasted.

  3. Patti says:

    Gonna head to Longhorn’s, where they’ve transformed cows into all sorts of things, including chili. Yum, chili!!

  4. Protagonist says:

    OOPS, I missed EATAPETA Day. But here’s an organization which carries the EATAPETA spirit the whole year ’round.

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