And the walls come tumbling down

Mahmoud Abbas, who has been weakly asking Hamas to “honor previous agreements with Israel” for the past few weeks while Hamas builds a cabinet out of their slate of terror chieftans elected to the Palestinian parliament, wasn’t bothering to honor previous agreements with the UK, the US, and Israel himself:

A March 8 letter from the British and American consul generals to Abbas, obtained by Haaretz, states that “the Palestinian Authority has never fully complied with basic provisions of the agreement that established the U.S. and U.K. Jericho Monitoring Mission.”

The letter goes on to say that, “While the six detainees… are held in continuous custody, the Palestinian Authority has consistently failed to comply with core provisions of the Jericho monitoring arrangements regarding visitors, cell searches, telephone access and correspondence.”

“If the Palestinian Authority would like the U.S. and U.K. to continue their involvement… conditions at the Jericho Prison must be brought into full compliance,” the letter continues.

Should this fail to happen, the letter concludes, “we will have to terminate our involvement… and withdraw our monitors with immediate effect.”

Jericho Prison was nothing more than office space for the leadership of PFLP, with open access to phones, the media, assistants, and others who could allow the PFLP leaders to continue to plan terror activies. What’s sick about this whole situation is that if Abbas hadn’t have pulled an Arafat and offered to release these vile scum, the British would have kept sending letters instead of acting.

And where was the U.S. State Department in all of this? Even the British swent through the effort to send letter. Did Condi’s Corps bother even doing that while their Royal Mistress was calling Abbas a “partner for peace” and practically begging Hamas to just issue an empty statement thinking about possibly considering recognizing Israel so she could whip out W’s checkbook?

Of course, only a fool of the highest sort would look back at his repeated offers to release those prisoners and think that Abbas was honoring the agreement at all.

So when Abbas turns to the cameras and promises to keep them in jail, what better a fool to slurp up Abbas’ lies than Yossi Bellin?

Beilin said the PA chairman told him in a phone conversation that he calls on Israel to avoid unnecessary escalation and withdraw from the prison in order to prevent more bloodshed.

“Abu Mazen said to me, ‘I am willing to be the one who guarantees you that Gandhi’s murderers, the six who are in there, will not leave the prison in Jericho. We will take full responsibility on ourselves to hold them,'” Beilin told Israel Radio, referring to Abbas by his nickname.

Beilin added that he “certainly believes in his willingness.”

According to Beilin, Abbas said he pledged to seek the return of international inspectors to the prison, stressing he would ensure the prisoners remain in jail until his efforts succeed.

Following Abbas’ announcement, Beilin called on Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert “to accept [Abbas’] offer immediately, in order not to waste precious time and human lives.”

Yossi Bellin, ladies and gentlemen. If he’d have been Tina Turner’s assistant, she’d have gone back one last time and gotten beaten to death, and someone else whould have run Bartertown.

On the other end of the spectrum, MK Lieberman is calling for the prison to be bombed into oblivion in order to avoid any more troops getting hurt during the raid. (I say hold off… let a few reporters and human shields from Al-Jazeera and some PA-run media get in there.)

Either way, Gaza and the West Bank are turning into a Kidnapapalooza and Embassy Roasting Zone again. Kinda makes you wonder why anyone bothers with embassies and cultural centers when the so-called “Palestinian security forces” provide zero security and diplomatic staff are nothing but convinent locations to pick up hostages.

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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7 Responses to And the walls come tumbling down

  1. Hey, Lair, thanks for using the phrase I wanted to use but wasn’t going to have the time to post about today.

    Although–should I be worried that I’m starting to think like you?

  2. Who says I think?

    Condi and her henchmoron are claiming that she’s been complaining about the revolving door and the cell phones at Jericho.

    Uh huh. And they did WHAT about it before Abbas took his unilateral step to dishonor the already-extisting agreements FURTHER again?

    Condi needs to stop smoking her pot-guitar.

  3. Joel says:

    Interesting that Saadat was able to conduct a phone conversation (cellphone) with Marshaal in Damascus. Some prison!

  4. Yankev says:

    Reminds me of Peter Beagle’s line from the Last Unicorn, when the minstrel can no longer stomach singing the ballad about his rescue by the self-promoting outlaw Captain Cully, and the Captain’s heroic sword fight against the boy’s three brothers for the jewel they stole from the lad: “And you never fought my brothers for any stone. You sent them a nasty letter — which you didn’t sign”

    And there are people out there who actually think Israel should pull back its troops in return for US or UN guarantees? Yeah, we saw how well that worked when the Jordanians put Jerusalem under siege in 1947-48. And when Egypt banned Israeli shipping from the Suez canal. And when Israel agreed to withdraw from South Lebanon in return for US troops being stationed there. I could go on and on, but a full account would probably exceed your band width.

    If it weren’t Yossi Beilin, I could almost believe it was Purim shtick.

  5. Cynic says:

    They had internet access besides the cell phones.

  6. Joel says:

    5 cynic
    They probably had their wives and girlfriends spending the night as well, not too mention their financial advisers having access. Back in 2002 Sharon made a mistake in allowing this foolish arrangement to take place (thanks to Colin Powell).

  7. Ben F says:

    The NYT has posted a PDF of the March 8 letter. It refers to HAMAS as a political party. Love those diplomats. [NOT!]

    Isn’t it also lovely that, despite the PA’s open and notorious non-compliance with the Jericho accord, and the confessed helplessness of the US and UK to correct said violations, Condi twisted Sharon’s arm last year to sign on to the agreements under which European monitors are helpless to prevent the entry into Gaza of terrorists and arms?

    FATAH was never, ever held to standards of accountability, and I am not yet persuaded that HAMAS will be either.

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