Kneel before Tig!

Tig looked extra-regal in this picture. I do believe he’s asking us all to bow to his superior, uh, Tiggerness.

Tig looking regal

Thanks to Gary, who found me an interim editor.

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5 Responses to Kneel before Tig!

  1. Tig looks about as wide and fluffy as a certain grumpus.

    Is he over 20 pounds, per chance?

  2. Rahel says:

    I would gladly kneel before Tig … in order to skritch him.

  3. No, he’s still around 17, 17.5 pounds. He’s fat, definitely, but his fur makes him look much bigger than he is. It fluffs out an inch or two to either side. And he tends to spread his haunches when he sits like that.

  4. Janet says:

    Kira sometimes does that pose, also. It is amazing how that makes a cat — small or big to begin with — look so HUGE!!

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