Forget the world news. Movie reviews!

I’m so tired of the crappy news right now. I’d much rather talk about the movies I rented over the past week. If only I had known; I’d have watched them in reverse order and gotten them back to Blockbuster a lot sooner. Well, I still made the bring-’em-or-buy-’em deadline.

The Legend of Zorro: Oh. My. God. Marital troubles in Zorro land, impossible, explosive stunts, and the flattest of villains since the bad old days of the Wild West. Not even Catherine Zeta-Jones and Antonio Banderas can save this bomb. Stopped watching after half an hour.

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: It wasn’t bad. But it wasn’t good. And since I read the book, I turned off the movie after half an hour or so. That’s my new policy: If the movie isn’t good, I’m not wasting two hours of my life. King Kong taught me that. (I still cannot stop being pissed at that stupid skating scene in Central Park. Please, someone suck those memories out of my brain. Please?)

Must Love Dogs: Dingdingdingding! We have a winner here! In spite of a few slow stretches, overall, the movie was funny and sweet (though it tended towards a bit overblown at times, and has a pretty stupid ending), and, well, yes, it’s a chick flick. But I like chick flicks. This one leaves you smiling. And I think I’m finally out of love with John Cusack. He finally lost that baby face! Plus, the film has Stockard Channing, and I love Stockard Channing. She needs to get on a good series again. Best team-up ever was Channing and Dianne Wiest in Practical Magic (another great film that didn’t deserve the reviews it got). Hm. Maybe I should start a meme: Favorite chick flicks. Over the weekend.

The Island: Another one well worth the two-plus hours. You get Ewan McGregor twice. Okay, so it’s a Michael Bay film, and it has a lot of mindless violence, and man, McGregor left a trail of death and destruction behind him, but it was fun, and action films are supposed to be fluffy. When’s the last time you attended a thinking man’s action film? Yes, I know — never. Don’t look too hard into the premise, because like most SF/Action films, it falls apart on close examination. Just think of it as the 21st century Logan’s Run, without the age limitations.

There you go. If you haven’t seen those films, don’t bother with two of them. But I really liked the last two.

Hey, if you’ve seen a movie that got bad reviews that didn’t deserve them, tell us about it in the comments.

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3 Responses to Forget the world news. Movie reviews!

  1. I still need to get Zorro 2.

  2. Jeannie says:

    Did you say “Practical Magic”? hmmm. I guess I will have to rent both of them.

  3. The Doctor says:

    Gregory’s Girl
    Bedazzled [the Dudley Moore version, not the horrible waste of photons with Hurley]
    Unfortunately most of the films that come to mind had undeservedly good reviews…

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