What my new job means

Hey, so you got a new job, most of you are thinking, but what’s that got to do with me?

I’m glad you asked.

I will no longer work for Large Financial Company in Richmond. Now I’ll be working for Medium Software Company South of Richmond. (Best thing is, commute is less than 15 minutes. More sleep in the morning!) But there are going to be changes, especially in the next three weeks.

Posting is going to be affected by the new job. The project I was hired to work on should have been started five weeks ago, and is due in three weeks. They’re adjusting the schedule so that only a part of the project will be due at the end of the month, but even so, there is a learning curve (ooh, Java! Reach back into brain and remember how to code in Java!), and there will be a lot more uptime and, well, no downtime. I will not be blogging even on my lunch hour, in all likelihood. I may not have much of a lunch hour. This is a very tight deadline. In fact, I may be giving up my soaps, and it’s February sweeps. Explosions! People back from the dead! Murder! Babies! Long-lost children!

Funny how jobs trump even February sweeps.

However — I’ll do what I was doing previously, which is writing posts at night and in the morning before work, and scheduling them to appear throughout the day. But now would be a perfect time for a guest-blogger or two. If you’ve been wanting to try our your blogging chops, send me an email. (Why yes, Drew, I’m thinking heavily in your direction.) It should go without saying that I’m looking for someone with my point of view on the issues I post about. Point-Counterpoint is a fun thing to do, but not on my dime. Anti-Zionists need not apply. On the other hand, I’m not looking for insane rants, either. I’d just like to have someone here to pick up the slack if I find myself with zero free time.

Blog traffic is picking up again, and I don’t want to lose momentum. The only real difference you will see in my posting will be the immediacy. If something happens at 2 p.m., I’m not going to be able to write about it until after six. I plan on writing more essays and fewer news-quoting posts, which is actually a good thing. I was getting too lazy, I think.

Not that I was ever blogging from work before. Right, T*m? (Inside joke; I’m still betting my boss never reads my blog.) They were all scheduled posts. Really. Yes. Uh-huh.

So. Who wants to be a yourish.com correspondent? I’ll open it up to other bloggers of like viewpoints. Too bad Omri already went to Israpundit; he’d have been perfect. By the way, someone who just wants to post Israeli news briefs is as welcome as someone who wants to add his or her viewpoint to a news article.

Hm. Those extra fifteen minutes I was going to use to sleep will likely be used to blog. Oh, well. That’s the price I pay for being hopelessly addicted to this blogging phenomenon. It’ll be five years in April. We must throw a party.

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10 Responses to What my new job means

  1. Russ says:

    can’t help with blogging, but if you need any Java help…

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Not looking for insane rants? Well, that leaves me out.

  3. Drew W says:

    Yipes, Meryl, you cut me to the quick. Your confidence in me is flattering and far greater than my own.

    But now that I think of it, there have been some issues I’ve wanted to weigh in on.

    Here’s one: Toilet Paper Placement — Should The Sheets Come Over The Top Or Around The Back? That’ll spark some lively debate, I’ll wager. But that would really be only the beginning, because there are so many different issues that involve paper goods, like Napkin Folding: Rectangle Or Triangle — Who Rules? But, whoa, I don’t want to get ahead of myself here.

    Bet you’re glad you thought of me.

  4. cond0010 says:

    Awwww… Meryl I’m too conservative for your site – so I wouldn’t be a good candidate either. :)

    Ohhh… and congratulations on the new job.

  5. Rahel says:

    The wild herbs are coming up around Jerusalem, so if you’d like some pictures, I’ll send ’em along.

  6. The Doctor says:

    Mazel tov on the new gig. You don’t want my blogging though; my specialty is more in the direction of irritating puns….but I’ll be happy to make pointless and annoying posts!

  7. Jeannie says:

    I’m just really happy you got the job! I am going to miss seeing you though.

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