The liberation of Auschwitz

Today is the 61st anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. You know, the camp that didn’t exist, and the Jews that weren’t prisoners there, according to the heir to the Nazis, the current president of Iran (known here and at Israellycool as Gorilla Boy).

One of the things that struck me as the most evil and contemptible of everything the Nazis did was their attempt to murder all the remaining Jews rather than let them be rescued. 60,000 Jews from Auschwitz went on the death march. More than a quarter of them died.

Read Elie Weisel’s “Night.” It’s been recently re-translated and re-issued.

Someone should send a copy to Gorilla Boy. Not that it would do any good.

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5 Responses to The liberation of Auschwitz

  1. scottage says:

    Great idea to send a copy of Night to Ahmadinejad. Of course he would probably just call it zionist propoganda, but he has yet to get a clue. Maybe if he visited a couple of the death camps I have been to he might get a clue, and stop the rhetoric. I would be willing to chip in for him to get a clue, would you Meryl?

  2. Shtetl G says:

    I’m lucky enough to have an uncle and an aunt who survived Aushwitz. My aunt is in Israel but my Uncle is local. My uncle for years would not talk about his experiences but recently he has opened up and told some of his stories. Thank you for the timely post. When I see my Uncle I’m going to give him a hug and thank god that he’s still with us.

    PS Fuck all the Nazis, past, present and future. This time the Jews have all the cool weapons and know how to use them. The crazy mullahs times are numbered and hopefully we will some chill persians running shit in Iran soon.

  3. cond0010 says:

    Ahmadinejad says that the holocaust didn’t occur, yet (almost in the same breath) he says that Europe should give Israel land in Europe for the massacre (and not have the arabs suffer the cost for Europes actions).

    Doublespeak that has crossed the boundary into lying.

    Solution? Well, with Arab Tyrants continuing to test the boundaries of honest political discourse and the Media continuing to downplay the bad behavior, I believe that the feedback loop that is created will solve itself in time.

    How? Eventually, people like Ahmadinejad will be saying things sooo outrageous, even the most gutless and anile people will not be able to dismiss the lies being told.

    OTOH, Iran is about to go Nuclear…

    In that case, time does not seem to be on our side.

  4. Ben-David says:

    Gorilla Boy?

    When the photo of Bashar Assad hosting Ahmadinejehad came out, it looked like a ferret standing next to a water-rat…

    And he wears those light colored suits – like the dwarf from “Fantasy Island”.

  5. pst314 says:

    It’s also “interesting” that the same Muslims who insist the holocaust didn’t occur will in the next breath promise a new one.

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