More than you ever wanted to know about Sharon’s leg movement

Ha’aretz reports some movements on Sharon’s right side (arm and leg). It is at this point that I can no longer resist.

One of my contacts at Hadassah hospital forwarded me these reports on the tests:

2:11 p.m.: PM’s ankle unresponsive

2:13 p.m.: PM’s right leg moved.

2:14 p.m.: PM’s thighs really ugly, can you say, “Cellulite surgery”?

2:15 p.m.: Left-side technician glaring at me. Yossi can’t start testing until I’m finished. Think I’ll take a very long time to finish my work. Serves him right for voting for Mitzna.

2:16 p.m.: Stuck PM’s pinky finger, middle finger jerked out. Must have been a reflexive reaction.

2:18 p.m.: PM’s right arm responding normally, but middle finger still pointing towards me. Must confer with doctors when I finish the test.

2:19 p.m.: Finished last reaction test. PM poked me in the eye while I was examining his hand. Could have sworn I heard laugh. Yossi says I imagined it. His turn now. Will watch and wait.

2:24 p.m.: PM’s left hand now has middle finger extended. This is the most curious reaction I’ve seen in all my months as a resident. Must do more research on this: Go home and watch ER DVDs.

2:30 p.m.: Yossi is working his way down the PM’s left side. Told him he wasn’t following proper procedure, got major glare. This can only end in one way, and it won’t be good.

2:40 p.m.: Yossi leaning over PM’s leg the wrong way while testing for reaction. There was definitely a reaction. Yossi only took five minutes to recover from the kick. I think I saw tears. Asked him if he wanted me to finish test. Yossi limped and picked up his clipboard, then glared at me. Not my fault he wasn’t smart enough to position himself away from the kick. Or wear a protective cup.

2:45 p.m.: Testing is finished. PM is smiling. Wasn’t smiling when we started. Eyes still closed. Middle finger of left hand still extended, but right hand relaxed. Well, time to watch tapes of Grey’s Anatomy. Why so few Jewish doctors on that show, anyway?

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5 Responses to More than you ever wanted to know about Sharon’s leg movement

  1. Jay Tea says:

    Actually, just a few weeks ago Sandra Oh’s character (Cristina Yang) announced she was Jewish — right when Burke wanted to celebrate Christmas with her. Does that count?


  2. Nope. Her stepfather is Jewish, and she didn’t convert.

  3. The Doctor says:

    Righto—their writers couldn’t spend 50 cents on a phone call to a local rabbi to find out that having a Jewish stepfather doesn’t make you Jewish?

    I swear if I didn’t identify so much with George I’d tune it out…

  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    That reminds me of a soldier who served in Viet Nam (this does date me). He told me that many soldiers called themselves “Jewish Baptists” because they would take off on both sets of Holidays. Many of these shows have to have a Chanukah/Xmas show with the interfaith aspect realized even if it does not actually apply to the show.

  5. Smelli says:

    this is hilarious!

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