Adding Jewish bloggers to the blogroll

Some people are asking why I’m increasing my Jewish and Israeli blogroll, or more specifically, why am I adding them.

I’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings, but I think you’re all giving my blogroll far more credit than it deserves. It isn’t a list only of blogs I like and read–at least, it hasn’t been in quite a while. I can’t get to all of the ones on my list every day, or even every week, and frankly, some of them I don’t like very much (no, I will not name names). But they’re Jewish bloggers, and so am I. I have been remiss in adding bloggers to it. Laziness is the overarching term for it, or I’d have all the Jblogs on it. There are many, many Jewish bloggers out there, and I feel like I’m ignoring them. (Again, the laziness factor enters.)

My traffic is not nearly as great as people think. One of my stats programs says I get about 1200 unique visits per day. Another says I average 2200. Split it down the middle, and I’m still nowhere near the big-traffic bloggers–but you are welcome to whatever hits I can send you, because that’s the way the blogosphere should work.

I don’t often read religous blogs because I feel like a child overhearing an adult conversation she doesn’t quite understand. But that doesn’t mean they don’t belong on my blogroll. (You want to talk about blogwars, yeesh, go see what they say to each other when they argue interpretation. Double yeesh.)

I was thinking of perhaps subdividing my blogroll into religious Jblogs and just Jewish and Israeli bloggers, but I’d need someone who has a lot more time than I to check which one is which. Or the authors of the blogs could email me (hint, hint).

Lastly, I’m adding more Jewish bloggers because I should have increased my Jblogroll a long time ago. That’s why I keep asking you folks to let me know who else. As long as they’re not of the ex-Jew variety, they’re welcome on my blogroll. I think the only limitation will be that the blog has to be regularly updated–I’d rather not send my readers to someone who writes once a month.

Some of you have already written me and asked to be included, and I never put you on the blogroll. Write me again. The policy has changed.

Update: This has to come out from my reply to Ezzie in the comments.

Which is not to say I don’t like the blogs I’ve added recently–just don’t take my opinion too personally. There are tons of blogs out there, some of which I like, some not so much. There are tons of bloggers out there, some of whom like me, some not so much.

That’s what makes a horse race, they say.

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4 Responses to Adding Jewish bloggers to the blogroll

  1. Ezzie says:

    Thank you very much. I was just curious ;)

    Whatever the case, much appreciated.

  2. Robert says:

    Will you fix Jeff Goldstein’s link? :)

  3. "Tom Paine" says:

    As I have already observed Meryl, you are the Dave Van Ronk of the blogosphere. You’re the blogger the other bloggers read. You may not be as widely read by the hoi polloi, but among the cognoscenti, you’re a legend.

    Also, you got nominated for the JIB Awards, while I didn’t, so that must go to show…something.

  4. I am a Jewish blogger, and if you would include me as such then I shall link my relatively new blog to yours.

    — Expatriate Owl

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