More on the Jews killing Christmas

I’m thinking the PA sent out a news release about this or something. But here you go: The vehemently anti-Israel Christian Science Monitor has another piece on how the wall–and Israel–is ruining Christmas in Bethlehem. You will notice that there is no mention of the palestinian terrorists’ takeover of the Church of the Nativity several years ago, nor their desecration and defilement of said church. Nor the flight of Christians out of Bethlehem due to Islamic intolerance and terror tactics against Christians. No, it is only the fault of the Jews.

Just across from the Church of the Nativity, the Roman basilica built over the grotto that is the traditional spot of Jesus’ birth, the signs over the storefronts of souvenir shops are shattered from gunfire. Gesturing to the empty stone plaza of Manger Square, Joseph Tabash complained that pilgrims go directly from the buses to the church and back. “Look outside. It’s empty,” says the gift-shop owner. “Go to any place in the world. Would you see a city center like this?”

Back near the entrance of Bethlehem, the neighborhood around Rachel’s Tomb – the traditional burial spot of the Old Testament matriarch – has become a ghost town. Once bustling with markets and restaurants, Bethlehem’s gateway district has been carved up by a cement wall corridor that allows Jewish worshippers to visit the holy site without being exposed to sniper fire.

Note the lack of context. Wonder where those gunshots came from? Gee, ya think maybe during that aforementioned church takeover? Or maybe just some random firing from palestinian thugs trying to intimidate the Christians. The entire slant of the article blames Israel. No surprises there. But, ya know, eff you, Christian Science Monitor. There. I feel better now.

But wait!: An article in the CBC that’s fairly balanced.

Tired of all this b.s.? Well, Honest Reporting has the facts to remove the bad taste of these lies.

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