Hurricane Wilma: Information, please

I find myself unable to contact my mother in Tamarac.

If anyone has any idea how badly that town was hit, please let me know. Can’t get through on cell phones, and I’m at work and can’t really spend a lot of time surfing for info.

Update: The cell towers must not all have blown down. Got a call from my brother, who is still in Tamarac from the move. They were eating supper by candlelight when they called. Everything’s all right; no damage to them. Just another hurricane story to tell, thankfully.

And thanks, Bear and Jay. Appreciate the help.

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6 Responses to Hurricane Wilma: Information, please

  1. Sarah G. says:

    Here is a link to some news stories:

    It looks like power is out and they are under a boil water order. Otherwise it does not look too bad.

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  4. seawitch says:

    Glad you recieved the good news. I had found a link for a boil water notice.

  5. Yeah, I kept seeing a typo on the Miami Herald that called it a “bowl water” notice. What, water from the toilet bowl or something?

  6. Lizzie says:

    Oh, I am glad. I was going to leave a comment earlier saying “I hope she’s safe and sound” or some such, but I thought it would be a bit annoying for you if you saw a new comment, got your hopes up that it contained some actual help, and then found out it was useless. And in a thread that specifically asked for help, too! But it must be a huge relief that she’s safe, and I see you’ve got back to posting kitty blanket adventures. Which is why we come here, after all.

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